The holiday season is always a busy time of year. There are parties to plan, school plays to attend, charity events to volunteer at, and so much more. Here at...
BRN Media – Guest Contributor
Nov 8 2017
Playing It Safe and Cool ‘Middle School Madness’ at the Frisco YMCA offers teens fun, fitness, and free time (FRISCO, TX – Nov. 8, 2017) The Frisco YMCA has...
Operation Kindness – North Texas’ original and largest no-kill animal shelter – recently saved the leg of Spanky, a 10-year-old Shih Tzu/Lhasa Apso mix. When...
This past Sunday, the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs became the tragic site of a horrific event. The church was devastated by a rifle-wielding...
We North Texans might be facing slightly colder weather this week, but it's still no snowy holiday season for us. However, there is a way you and your family...
Radio City-style fun for all ages!! Our 10th Annual Holiday Show, Rockefeller Christmas at the Majestic Theatre , stars Olga Pavlova as Sugar Plum Fairy and...
Upstander Speaker Series: Dr. Samantha Nutt Medical Doctor, Humanitarian, Founder of War Child Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at Communities...
Thanksgiving is approaching quickly, and we want to hear about your favorite desserts and dishes to serve. Do you make an amazing cranberry sauce? Is your...
We've reached that month where multiple holidays fall into a weird shared space. Halloween has just ended, Thanksgiving is approaching, and Christmas is......
The costumes have been shed and the sugar highs have finally died down. Now, you're just left with Jack-o-lantern buckets filled to the brim with tempting...