The Episcopal School of Dallas
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The Jennifer and John Eagle Gallery at The Episcopal School of Dallas is home to many student artists exhibits throughout the year, from middle school 2D and 3D units from class to upper school AP artist collections. Now, for the first time ever, the Eagle Gallery contains an exhibit featuring Eagles works of all ages!

While parents are usually able to view their students’ artworks as they visit ESD's campus throughout the year, this has been difficult over the last year due to COVID-19 related restrictions of on-campus visitors. As a result, ESD's Fine Arts Department had the idea to create an exhibit to let our community catch up on some of the things they missed. “We wanted to showcase work made last year we were unable to show because of restrictions,” said Brenda Hatter, Visual Arts Department Chair. “The team decided to try an all-level show since we are One Campus One Community. We have had incredible feedback from parents and are already committed to hosting an all-level show annually.”  

The “Little to Big” all-school art exhibit features a collection of unseen works like Primer mixed-media pieces, middle school sculptures, and upper school AP photography produced in the 19-20 school year, as well as a sampling of current works. Many classes have taken “field trips” across campus to visit the exhibit together. “The look on the faces of the little ones is absolutely priceless,” said Hatter. “One of our Primer kids declared he’s now a famous artist.”

The “Little to Big” exhibit is open through October 19 and is available for viewing by appointment.

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