Mesquite BubbleLife -
PLAY GIRLS SOFTBALL - Attention GIRLS BORN IN 2017, 2018, 2019

Come JOIN US and HAVE A BALL in the FALL with Coppell Girls Softball Association (CGSA)! 


It's a ball!  CGSA’s goal is to make softball a team sport that guarantees smilescelebrates accomplishment and builds self-esteem.   


FALL 2024 will be here before you know it, so don't hesitate to register your daughter to play the premier field sport for girls in Coppell.

Come join us! Girls ages 4-15 years old (DOB as young as 12/31/2019are eligible to register.  There is no experience necessary for new players.  New players are always welcome.  Returning players will build upon their skills and learn new ones.  With CGSA, your daughter will play softball on the new girls softball 4-plex at Andy Brown West.


The FALL season runs from late August-October 2024.  Registration is open NOW until August 4.  Don't hesitate to register since teams are forming now.  

Coaches are needed, so please apply on the CGSA website if you are interested. 

REGISTRATION  (Includes a team jersey)

6U (Girls born in 2017, 2018 and 2019):  Only $75.00

8U-15U:  $125.00 (Coppell Residents); $145.00 (Non-Coppell Residents)


6U Flyer.png
Monday, 29 July 2024